Let me show you how to make people BUY from you!
Dear Struggling Marketer,
So... You've put in all the work...
You've created a product or a service or you found a great product you want to promote, etc.
You've got SOMETHING that you could make money with.
You have a HUGE problem!
You don't know how to develop a sales letter that conveys your message and makes people want to BUY from you!
Am I right?
If you said YES!, then what I'm about to put in front of you is going to completely solve your problems and allow you to start making money from ANYTHING you want to sell to your prospects!
Lots of marketers know what this feels like...
That's because lots of marketers spend days, weeks, and months pouring their heart and soul into a product or service or promotion.
They dream about all the money they're going to make...
They plan a big launch, a grand opening of sorts...
And then... nothing.
Can you imagine?
I'm talking...
No sales...
No interest...
Not even a nibble from a prospect...
Just tumbleweeds blowing through your paypal account...
Ouch, right? And if you think this couldn't possibly happen to you, think again.
Every day all over the internet it happens to dozens of marketers.
You can have an amazing product or service, but if you forget the all-important thing that convinces people to order (sales page copy), you're going to waste your traffic.
You're going to find out that "everyone gathers, but no one buys."
You see, in many cases (perhaps most cases) a lack of traffic conversion (getting your prospects to buy) comes down to one problem...
A bad sales letter!
Here's the thing...
Writing a good sales letter isn't about stringing a few grammatically correct sentences together. If it was that easy, your high school English teacher would be a million-dollar copywriter.
Nope, good copy is about way more than good English! (See what I did there?)
Good copy is about knowing your prospect. It's about persuading. It's about storyselling.
Writing a convincing sales letter is more than just hanging your sign up, it's about the "secret sauce" that FEEDS a decision to buy what you're offering...
None of this has anything to do with grammar, and absolutely everything to do with the art and science of really connecting with your prospect.
I understand this all too well... I've been crafting sales letters for a long time. These sales letters have created tens of thousands of sales for me over the years, which has provided a very comfortable lifestyle for me and my family.
I don't say any of this to brag. Rather, the point is that I know how important it is to create a good sales letter. You can create the best product in the world, have the best services in the world, but if your sales letter doesn't do its job, then you're never going to make any money!
The good news is you're going to find out how to avoid that sort of disappointment right now...
Let's cut to the chase...
Learning how to write good sales copy for a sales letter is one of the most valuable and profitable skills you can pick up in your business career.
Hands down!
Because once you know how to craft irresistible, sizzling sales letters, then you'll have the power to sell anything to anyone!
That's why I've put together this hands-on course, where you'll get a step-by-step guide AND templates for crafting EVERY component of an order pulling sales letter.
This includes:
- Ten daily modules where you learn exactly how to write sizzling copy for each component of your sales letter!
- Ten daily assignments to go with each module. If you follow along, you only need to invest a few minutes a day to write a new piece of your copy, and in just 10 days you'll be ready to roll with a sales letter that actually makes you money!
- Dozens of examples and tips throughout the entire 10 day challenge to make it easier than ever for you to create your own sales letter!
- Templates for each module so you'll be able to copy and paste an order pulling sales letter in no time!
Sounds good, right?
Let me give you a closer look!
Each day for 10 days you'll go through one part of the challenge to create one component of your sales letter.
This takes all of the stress off of you and allows you to work at a slow and steady pace to create the best sales copy for each component of your sales letter.
Note: You can go through this as fast as you want or as slow as you want. You'll have access to all 10 days of the challenge as soon as you join.
Here is what is covered each day...
The headline is the most important part of your sales letter, and if it doesn't get attention, then your whole letter will be an epic fail. You'll find out how to craft headlines that deliver high conversions and great results!
I've also included 70 different headline templates that are done in "fill in the blank" style for three different types of headlines that your sales letter needs.
This is the part of your letter where you take the order...
Get this part wrong, and you'll sink your sales! This module shows you how to avoid that by telling your prospect exactly what to do and what happens after they purchase from you.
The P.S. is the second-most read part of your sales letter, which makes it a key to getting the sale! That's why you'll want to pay close attention to this module, where you'll find out how to create a postscript that closes the sale.
I'm even giving you 15 fill in the blank post script templates you can use to generate a P.S. that makes your reader click that order button and buy!
Here's why so many others love this course, and why you will too...
- You'll discover a simple system you can use over and over again to create high-response sales letters!
- You'll get plenty of examples and templates that you can swipe and use to write each component of your sales copy. This makes it easier than ever to create your own sales letter!
- No getting overwhelmed, because this course breaks down the entire process into 10 easy-to-follow steps over 10 days!
- You'll get insight into the key order triggers that make people click your order button. These are the keys to creating high-response sales letters!
- You'll discover how to turn lukewarm prospects into cash-paying customers with benefit statements that are sure to boost desire for your offer!
- You'll learn the most powerful ways to close the sale with a strong call to action!
- You'll discover how to use social proof to build credibility and help drop your prospect's defenses, so they have no issues handing you their money!
- Plus you'll even find out how to write in a way that makes your prospects feel like you're reading their minds!
- And so much more.
Whether you're a beginner OR you've written a few sales letters before, this challenge will help you create better sales copy!
Plain and simple!
Now, this challenge gives you the instruction you need to write a really great sales letter, but when you order now, I'm going to toss in a package of bonus tools and tips you can use to really crank up your response rates!
Now you can save yourself both time and money by using these three templates to quickly and easily create your sales letter yourself.
All you have to do is insert information where indicated by the brackets, and boom, your letter will be finished in a matter of minutes.
Here's what you get:
- Template 1 works great across a wide variety of niches, especially those where your prospects have repeatedly tried and failed to get a great result. (Example: starting a business.)
- Template 2 is a good choice when you have a product that's designed to protect someone from getting a bad result. (Like heart disease.)
- Template 3 works across a variety of niches, as long as you're able to share a story about overcoming a problem.
These templates are easily worth $100 each, but they're yours free when you join the 10:10 Sales Letter Challenge today!
- 8 eyebrow-raising ways to think like your prospects. Once you know how to do this, you can sell anything to anyone!
- You'll discover 11 ways to write better headlines that command attention and draw your prospects into your sales copy!
- You'll learn 10 tips for pushing your prospects' emotional buttons. (Hint: This is a big key to making a sale!)
- You'll get 10 tips for crafting truly effective benefit statements that whip your prospects into a buying frenzy!
- You'll get 10 surefire tips for creating calls to action that demand an immediate response. You'll be amazed at how well these work!
- Your prospects are just looking for excuses to not order, which is why you'll also discover five ways to overcome their objections and push them towards the order button!
- And so much more!
If you want an even higher converting sales letter than ever, then you need to read this report! You'll get instant access to it as soon as you join this challenge!
- A simple sales model you can use that almost always creates an avalanche of sales!
- How to use discounts to spur sales!
- The secrets of using bonuses to push people to the order button!
- And more!
Good question!
If you hired a copywriter to craft your sales letter, you'd pay well over $1000.
I know some who charge $25,000 PLUS a percentage of ALL sales. Seriously...
If you purchased these pieces separately, you'd pay well over $100. WELL over that!
So all this probably makes you wonder how much you'll need to cough up to join the 10:10 Sales Letter Challenge?
Relax, its surprisingly VERY affordable.
If you join the challenge now, you'll get instant access to everything shown on this page for just $27.
No on going fees, hidden fees, or anything else. Just a one time $27 payment gives you full access to the entire 10:10 Sales Letter Challenge!
This is a killer deal. If these strategies create just one or two extra sales for you, you'll recoup your investment fast.
But frankly, I'd be a little embarrassed if you were only able to generate one or two extra sales. I know what you'll learn in this challenge and all the tools I give you WORKS!
You know the 10:10 Sales Letter Challenge is exactly what you need to start creating sales letters that make you money, so click on the buy now button below to get started!
Once you pay your $27 one time fee you'll be taken to the download page where you can start this 10 day challenge immediately.
It's that easy, so get started right now by clicking on the buy now button...
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P.S. Do you want a simple and easy step-by-step system that will allow you to create sales letters that make your prospects buy? How about one that allows you to do it quickly? Then start the 10:10 Sales Letter Challenge right now by clicking the order button below and begin creating your first order pulling sales letter in just a few moments from now!
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